You Should Bring
o A valid Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence for each
angler. Salmon fishers will also need to purchase
a Salmon Conservation Stamp for their licence.
Fishing licences and stamps are only available
online from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Canada (DFO) at www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sportfish
o Sunscreen
o Sunglasses
o Soft soled runners or deck shoes
Hard soles are slippery on boat decks
Leave cowboy boots & heels at home
o Light rain coat or wind breaker jacket
if you want to stay outside on deck*
o Hat
o Camera
o Beverages such as coffee, tea, etc.
- Our fridge is stocked with water, pop and juice
o Snacks for half day charters
o Bagged lunch & snacks for full day charters
o Motion sickness remedies - if you need them such as gravol or acupressure wrist bands
o A cooler to take home your catch - Do leave this in your vehicle
to take home your catch
*Dress in layers if you plan on staying outside and on deck.
The weather at sea can range from cold and wet to hot and sunny all in one day!
D&D Fishing Charters boat has a heated cabin so no special clothing is required.