D&D Salmon Fishing Charters
We fish for all five species of pacific salmon:
Chinook (also known as spring, tyee and king salmon)
Pink (also known as humpy salmon)
Sockeye (also known as red salmon)
Coho (also known as blueback and silver salmon)
Chum (also known as dog salmon)
We always try to maximize your catch to the limits
that your fishing license will allow. It is not uncommon
to catch salmon over 40 pounds during the prime season
and to limit out your catch prior to the end of your charter time.
The area we prefer to fish for pacific salmon ranges from Race Rocks passage to Sherringham light house. The migration path of salmon is huge so it can be difficult to determine the best area to fish.
With our extensive experience fishing in these waters, our daily contact with other sport and charter fishers as well as our commercial grade fish finder, we narrow down the best locations to give you the best odds of catching the big ones.
